The old standard patio, deck or porch enclosure doesn’t fully satisfy today’s more demanding customers. Clients are looking for a more luxurious, fully incorporated design that can transform their backyard, bringing it to life. Recent trends in outdoor living design show creating a personalized outdoor living oasis with a specialized enclosure becoming the most important “room” in the house.
Designing a sunroom, screen porch, or patio enclosure is as unique to the homeowner as it is to the space. Experts agree there are three main ideas to keep in mind when choosing and designing a sunroom, screen porch, or patio enclosure:
Design it to be connected, in many ways – Blur the line between indoor and outdoor living to allow for a seamless flow between outside and inside, and don’t forget technology. Make sure your space is technologically connected to fit your lifestyle.
Design it to be comfortable – Comfort is of the utmost importance. Once you’ve decided on the type of enclosure, design it for your comfort for your life, be it with furniture and fabrics or designated areas such as a outdoor kitchen, pool enclosure, pergola to entertain, lounge area, dining area, or relaxation station.
Design it to be Covered – Protect family and friends from the elements by incorporating retractable glass or screen wall systems, aluminum and polycarbonate roofing systems, or solar shades while creating a comfortable atmosphere with built-in radiant heaters & cool misting systems.
How do you envision the look and feel of your new exterior enclosure space? Visualize. Visualizing what you want is the best place to start because this is your home and it should be custom-designed to look and feel the way you want it to. Try visualizing the new space as a larger focal point of your home, a perfect gathering spot to entertain family and friends, or a cozy and personal living space. Traditional sunrooms, screen porches, or enclosures are always an option, yet a custom-designed addition is an excellent and popular alternative that offers a variety of different styles, designs, and optional features.
Particularly in the time of the pandemic, having space to relax and safely enjoy the outdoors is paramount. Jamie of Signature Homes agrees, “More people are needing to get out due to being stuck inside from Covid and distancing so any outside structure is more valuable.” Darryl Myers of Mr. Enclosure adds, “More and more people are creating their Stay-Cations, especially since the pandemic, to create and extend their outdoor living. People are desiring to make their outdoor living part of their daily routine of enjoyment and are creating their vacations in their own backyards.” Additionally, recognizing that homeowners are spending more time in their home, creating space for work or an office adds to the versatility of the space.
Designers are seeing trends in enclosure design that help homeowners create that sense of retreat. Including things such as radiant heaters, clear vinyl panels to wrap the porch, and remote blinds customize the space and add a sense of ambiance and livability. Our experts also point out that homeowners have lots of design choices to consider such as flooring, lighting, and ceiling design. Jamie of Signature Homes says, “A floorte product from Shaw that is a luxury vinyl
product and extremely waterproof is perfect for an enclosure,” and Darryl Myers adds, “Gable Style Roofing is a growing trend with either Bead Board or Ship Lap Ceilings. Open Pavilion Roofs for Pool Areas to create a covered seating area with outdoor kitchens are of demand.” As far as lighting goes, experts point to natural and recessed lighting as growing trends. Jamie of Signature Homes says, “In addition to having adequate light levels for night-time clean-up, outdoor spaces are all about entertaining – with a little imagination, colors, and moods are possible, along with syncing with the beat of the music.” Darryl Myers adds, “Recessed lighting on dimmers is the most popular. We have now incorporated our RGB lighting that is Iphone controlled changing to 20 different colors.”
Our experts also point out that technology, as with most designs, is having an impact on enclosure design. Richard Friesen claims homeowners are incorporating more and more technology into their outdoor living, “Outdoor technology such as increased wifi coverage to allow for work/play from outdoors, TV’s, music, even outdoor theaters, spectacular lighting effect along with automated shades or screens can shade or even transform an open patio to a screen porch at the touch of a button.”
Experts also remind homeowners that making the new enclosure look natural or original to the house is important. “Make the project look as if it was built with the home originally. Consider a custom design with no roof kit creating the look that the homeowner desires and will love for years to come is always a priority,” says Darryl Myers. Nancy Moore says focusing on the roofline is also important, “For screened or open-air porches, the roof design is the important for architectural and functional focus, such as big overhangs and gutters on all sides. Don’t face open gable walls to south or west where blowing rain will keep you from using your porch.”
Since the enclosure is considered an extension of the interior design, our experts suggest focusing on colors and flooring. Jamie of Signature Homes says, “Light, airy, natural textures always make a room feel comfortable,” and Nancy Moore points out, “Make the floor of the porch the same level as the house. Enlarge door openings between the spaces to make them feel better connected and have the color theme continue from interior living space to porch.” Connecting all the elements of the design will make the space feel more natural to the design of the entire home.
Here are some other design tips from our experts:
Use it as home office and make sure to include heat and cool ventilation, plug-ins, and storage are all factors that would be in normal office.
Number 1, BUY NOW!!!!!!! The pandemic has created a demand beyond belief. People have realized how much fun they have had with their families.
There are many ways to create an enclosure and make it a favorite place for the family to hang out. With some visualization and planning, homeowners can create a special retreat for the whole family. With some patience and creativity, homeowners can create an elegant and functional space by combining innovative design with focused intent.
There are a number of sources for pool and spa design in the Greater Nashville area including:
Absolute AV Consulting Inc Brentwood TN 615-656-8900
Mr. Enclosure Sunrooms Brentwood, TN 615-736-9626
The Porch Company Nashville, TN 615-662-2886
Signature Homes Nashville, TN 615-445-4452