5 Sustainable Home Exterior Trends Every Homeowner Should Know

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Many homeowners are making more efforts to go green. What is a better way to join in sustainable living than to begin where your life starts, at home? Many homes are now designed to be eco-friendly and sustainable. They’re constructed from green materials are responsibly sourced to reduce the effects to the environment, and can be kept up with minimal damage to the environment. Sustainable architecture and green technologies have transformed the outside of a home from merely the dressing on the house to an energy-efficient and green option for homeowners with a passion for the earth.

Mixing Home Siding Textures

Choosing sustainable house siding comes with a few options to consider. Fiber cement is a favorite material when selecting sustainable building materials as it is a reliable resource. Fiber cement siding products are impervious to insects that enjoy boring into wood. It is also resistant against sun damage and is popular because it is flame retardant. However, some green homeowners enjoy the benefits of steel siding. Steel is the most recycled material in the USA. It is easy to obtain, and its simple upkeep makes it an excellent choice as a green siding option.

Using Natural Veneers

Image Credit: RealstoneSystems.com

Adding accents that include natural veneers to home your exterior is not only sustainable and environmentally sound, it is also aesthetically pleasing. One option is reclaimed wood, which provides character and personality with the weathering years have caused upon it. You’ll need to find a contractor specializing in it, but plenty of companies are beginning to concentrate on it due to trends in home décor. Another option is an exterior stone veneer, which does not decompose over time and is impervious to the element. Exterior stone veneer also evokes a quaintness and look to a home that other materials cannot replicate.

Low Maintenance Home Exterior

Image Credit: Kebony.com

Owning a sustainable exterior does not have to mean constant maintenance. Engineered wood siding is an alternative to solid wood siding that is easy to install and care for. It remains a popular choice for homeowners who prefer the look of wood siding vinyl but want to keep their costs in check. The waste content of engineered siding highlights its sustainability factor. Engineered wood siding comes with factory finish designed to reduce maintenance. However, warranties on these types of products tend to be for twenty years less than for other types of material. Another perk is that the material easily breaks down sustainably in landfills.

Bamboo Panels

are a stylish and greener alternative to other forms of home exterior materials. It is characterized as one of the most sustainable building materials on the planet. Used for wall cladding, fencing, and outdoor decking, among other uses, it is resistant to various forms of decay and insects. Also, it remains highly rated because of the hardness of the material and its dimensional stability.

Solar Panel Installation

If your planning blueprint does not include mass amounts of green shade, an option to support energy usage on your deck and throughout your home might be through solar power. While the cost for large systems might be quite expensive, smaller systems are available for a lower price and could save you money in the long-run while decreasing the carbon footprint your home leaves on the environment. Seventeen states offer homeowners some form of tax rebate or incentive for the purchase or installation of solar power equipment of any kind. There are many rewards for going green, and with the right materials, sustainable materials will provide reliable service in your home for years to come.

Author Bio:

Matt Lee from Innovative Building Materials is a green design and digital marketing expert. Innovative Building Materials is a website that covers various construction topics and design concepts with a focus on sustainable and stylish building materials.

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