Soak up the summer sun and spruce up your house at the same time. These five outdoor home maintenance tips will make your house the talk of the town.
After those long winter months, your house may need a little TLC. Spend some time sprucing up your house this summer with these five outdoor home maintenance tips. Your house is sure to be the talk of the town in no time.
Examine your chimney
During the hot summer months, sitting down in front of a warm fireplace may be the last thing on your mind. While you may not use your chimney until fall or winter, you should still take some time this season to examine your chimney. Blockage or excessive soot in your chimney can increase the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or fire in your home, so it’s important to clean your chimney at least once a year.
Clean your gutters
Summer is the perfect time to clear out the autumn leaves and springtime petals that are still clogging up your gutters. Congested gutters and downspouts can lead to leaks in your roof and cause flooding if the water isn’t
directed far enough away from your home’s foundation. Stagnant water can also pool in your clogged gutters, creating a breeding ground for mosquitos. Be sure to clean out your gutters regularly, check for leaks, and watch for places the gutter may be pulling away from the roof. If you notice that your gutter is in need of extensive repairs, it may be time to consider replacing your gutter system entirely.
Trim overgrowth
After those long winter months of barren trees and dead grass, your yard is finally starting to perk up and turn green again. Spend some time tending to your garden and trimming back any overgrowth that may have sprouted up during spring. Be sure to trim any trees or bushes that are particularly close to your house, as these plants can rub against the exterior and damage the siding or paint. This outdoor home maintenance tip provides not only a great way to improve your home’s curb appeal, but also an easy way to get some exercise.
Inspect siding
Thunderstorms are more common in the summer than in other months, and you want to make sure your home is protected from the elements. Take some time to inspect the siding of your home, looking for any gaps or cracks. Most of this damage can be easily fixed with exterior caulk, but the tools used for these repairs may vary based on your home’s siding materials—be sure you’re using the proper tools for your home.
Service your AC unit
As the temperatures begin to rise, take some time to ensure your air conditioning unit is in working order. You should service your heating and cooling machines at least once a year, ideally at the beginning of summer and winter. Make sure all the components of your AC unit, including the air filter, condensate pump, and indoor and outdoor coils, are clean and in working order. A working air conditioner will help maintain a steady flow of air through your house and keep you cool during those hot summer months.