Green Interiors: Don’t Forget Tile

Going Green? Don’t Forget About Tile Whether you are an owner or builder, you have probably been inundated by information about the vast number of eco-friendly home products available today. Planning to repaint a room? You better consider the number of VOC’s in that can. Selecting plumbing fixtures for your new master bathroom? I hope that showerhead is classified as low-flow. These are all good tips to remember when building or remodeling. With all of the “greenwashing” going on these days, some companies are spending more time and money promoting their sustainable products than actually implementing green practices. So who is …

Green Interiors: Walking on Clean Air

Green Interiors: Walking on Clean Air It is estimated that 30 to 40 percent of all pollutants are brought into our homes on shoes, clothing, and pets. That’s a lot of trash! Some things door mats just cannot catch. But what about the items we don’t bring in? What about the materials we choose to place permanently in our homes? Flooring is a leading cause of indoor pollutants. Below are a few sustainable flooring options that can help keep your home clean!  Nothing is more important than your home’s indoor air quality, especially when considering we spend approximately 90 percent …

Green Design: Sustainable Textiles


Green Design: Sustainable Textiles Many of us are accustomed to thinking about sustainability when it comes to everyday items we use as part of our busy lifestyles. It’s not actually a thought process, but rather an adaption we have developed while living our lives on auto drive. We recycle our water bottles, inquire about the newest auto models’ MPGs, shop for local produce, and take reusable bags to the market. But what about our fabric choices? How much thought goes into the choices we make regarding fabrics that we use over and over on a daily basis: the fabric on …