Celebrate the Season with a Classic Side

No holiday celebration can be considered complete without taste bud-tingling sides to pair with your favorite seasonal dishes. Whether you’re able to celebrate with loved ones or joining virtually from afar, dining together with traditional holiday foods is oftentimes a major part of the festivities. For a salivation-worthy side dish, turn to a seasonal classic like mashed potatoes but with a slight twist. Onions, at just 45 calories per serving, add a flavorful boost to Roasted Onion and Garlic Mashed Potatoes, and they serve as a source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium and other key nutrients such …

Sweet Potato Crisp


This recipe is courtesy of Mrs. Michael Richardson of Franklin, TN (Jolene.) It is served annually at the Thanksgiving Night in the Hunger Fight annual fundraising supper at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church which has raised thousands of dollars to feed and educate children in Haiti. It’s been served to many groups and families, over the years that it’s become a holiday favorite.   Sweet Potato Crisp  Potatoes 3 cups sweet potatoes (peeled, cooked and mashed) 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 2 eggs  1/3 cup milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Mash cooked sweet potatoes, add all other ingredients and put into a …