In the realm of the wallpaper world, there are a plethora of options in style: geometric, modern, abstract, chintz, floral and many more. One of my favorite styles and designs in wallpaper is the ‘old-school’ chinoiserie. I understand that for some, this style might be too intimidating and unfamiliar.
There is such a wide range in Chinoiserie wallpaper: in patterns and colorways, in period and scale, along with other elements to consider. I always recommend trying to understand your final goal and concept. Do you want to go bold? Monochromatic? Soothing and calm? Specific period or thematic? Do you want it to be historically accurate? I tend to be a maximalist, personally, yet my design is always customized to my client’s taste and style. As an interior designer, I always have a discussion and conversation with the owner of the room or home to find out what it is they, he, or she, are trying to achieve. Whatever their style or goal is, you must find the perfect pattern, color and scale that complement each other. When I say complement, it doesn’t have to be in the same shade or pattern, in fact, a contrast or a mix in pattern on pattern can be gorgeous. Whatever it is, you must be confident in selecting each element: colors, patterns, scale, and styles. Second guessing is always disastrous, on the contrary, following your gut instinct is a must.
One mistake I see again and again in combining all those elements is usually trying to be someone that you are not in your design and style. You try to either copy and emulate someone else: another designer or your neighbor or friend’s home, instead of trying to stay true to your own style and passion. It will show in the final design: it will be off, awkward or it will be perplexing to some, even to untrained eyes.
Just with everything else, I recommend for you to stay true to your own style and not try to copy or be like someone else. This, I believe personally, is how I live my life, as well as in my design work!
My go to for Chinoiserie wallpaper that is absolutely stunning, and addicting is de Gournay https://degournay.com/. Besides being the top and the best in the industry, de Gournay can customize any wallpaper you desire and all of them are hand painted. They offer various ground papers from India tea paper to metallic and silk (yes, some are hand embroidered). While they are known for their signature classic chinoiserie wallpapers, they also have a lot of other style and design options: modern, scenic, geometric, and abstract.
Another company which has chic, elegant printed Chinoiserie wallpapers I adore is Schumacher https://fschumacher.com/catalog/Wallcoverings : a bread and butter of wall covering in the industry.