2016 Home Show
Slated January 29-31
The 2016 Home Show sponsored by the Home Builders of Middle Tennessee is scheduled January 29-31 at the Tennessee Stata Fairgrounds. Last year marked the show’s return to the state fairgrounds from the AgExpo Park in Williamson County and attendance, despite a weekend of bitter cold and ice drew remarkable crowds, according to Lori Fisk-Conners, past president of the HBAMT’s associates council and in charge of last year’s event.
This year’s even is open from 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. on SUnday. Admission is $10 per person while children 12 and under are admitted free of charge.
Thos planning to build, remodel, or decorate their homes are encouraged to attend the home show to see the latest in products and services. Seminars are also scheduled, but no further information is available at this time.
For more informaiton call 615/ 377-1055 or visit www.hbamt.org.