Addicted to Decorating Offers
Holiday Edition for Home Decorators
Carol Bass’ popular Addicted to Decorating is offering a holiday edition of this workshop on October 14, 2017 to provide decorating tips and trends, as well as easy ways to add holiday bling to your home. It’s titles Holiday Decorating with more Flash than Cash.
Participants will have the opportunity to win prizes including Bass’ favorite holiday decorating tool, a free color consultation, and a free one-day makeover. The Addicted to Decorating classes are designed for the homeowner that loves to “Do It Herself.”
Bass teaches the tricks of the trade, so homeowners can decorate their homes with all the confidence of a professional. Color, furniture placement, accessories, bookcases, and so much more are just a hint of what can be learned.
A box lunch is included for all-day attendees prior to the afternoon session, which focuses on holiday decorating as well as her Busy Women’s Guide to the Holidays.
Attendees can select from the all-day event (9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) or the afternoon holiday session from 1-4:30 p.m.
Bass is a member of The Decorating and Staging Academy and teaches a number of professional classes.
For more information call 615/ 799-4022 or visit www.thepracticaldecorator.com or https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eeearl5w5f8dcfd6&oseq=&c=&ch=