Make more money in 5 Hours

Spend a day with 3 amazing speakers and learn how to make more money. Presenting “Five Remarkable Ways to Make More Money” is David Gatheridge, the branch manager at Land Home Financial Michael Katsaitis of the Astikon Group, LLC, and an award-winning designer, will speak about Residential Design, Trends, and the Basics of Architecture 101. Award-winning author, speaker, leadership coach, and sales trainer Michelle Moore of Benchmark Realty LLC will offer “11 Tips for Successfully Working with Builders, Investors, and Remodelers.” She recently created a national designation for Realtors to assist with sales training. This is a must have seminar offering …

interior design & building trends seminar February 10

interior design & building trends seminar February 10 A seminar focusing on the hottest interior design and home building trends is scheduled 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Friday, February 10. Participants will be exposed to information about the newest design trends, textures, finishes, colors, and their uses. Those who are planning to build a new home or remodel an existing home will benefit from the insights to be offered by a panel of experts who understand the array of decisions that home building or remodeling entail. The seminar will take place at the Middle Tennessee Home Builders Association (HBAMT) headquarters in Brentwood.

Hot Interior Design & Building Trends Seminar 2

Hot Interior Design & Building Trends Seminar     A seminar focusing on the Hottest Interior Design and Home Building trends is scheduled 10 A.M.-3 P.M. on Friday, July 22, sponsored by Nashville House & Home & Garden Magazine, Dale, Inc., Sun Windows, and Ferguson Enterprises. Find out about the newest design trends, textures, finishes, colors, and their uses for your home. If you’re planning to build or do remodeling, or if you are making some changes to sell your house, this panel of experts will guide you through the maze of items including home technology, energy saving appliances, and more. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to bring your …